Education & Programs

Evidence-Based Core Curriculum used for Youth Education: Project Rise Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Test & After-School KidzLit project. MEYGA Learning Center instructors facilitate all homework assistance, curriculum activities for literacy, and administrate all pre and post-tests including program participants' overall evaluation. Related Field Trips: Libraries, Museums, and Poetry events
Physical Fitness
Evidence Based Core Curriculum used: PACER assessment. MEYGA Learning Center instructors facilitate all physical activities, curriculum and tests for physical fitness. Student results are maintained by facilitator and program director (Mid year and end year comparisons) to determine progress. Related Field Trips: Parks and Sporting Events
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Education activities must reinforce healthy eating habits through nutrition education and other healthy eating activities, such as cooking classes, gardening projects, and cultural exploration of foods. Nutrition education resources are available to programs through The Children’s Trust’s designated food service provider at no cost.
Family engagement activities extend meaningful interactions between programs and families. By creating a welcoming environment, understanding families, youth development
programs can help bridge the gap between school and home assisting families as they navigate the educational system, providing parents with information and tools to support their child’s academic and personal success, helping families learn how to best support the learning and development of their child, and understanding families’ needs and refer them to resources and services as appropriate.
Credit Recovery
9TH - 12TH Grade
MEYGA makes content material more personalized and accessible: The courses use a variety of instructional formats, including video lectures, graphics displays, simulations, closed captioning, and text (with optional read-aloud support). Students could learn content
material in a variety of ways.
MEYGA staff customized the content courses to match the scope and sequence of face -to -face courses. This ensured students received remediation in specific skills and topics they previously failed to master. MEYGA arm teachers with additional data to track progress: Computer lab managers had access to students’ real-time progress, engagement, and achievement data. They were able to closely monitor and use this data to motivate students and help them stay on track.
Differentiated Literacy Instruction
Differentiated Literacy Instruction (DLI) is delivered individually or in small groups by a Certified Teacher for all identified struggling readers (i.e. frustration range on the appropriate literacy tool pretest), to improve reading fluency, comprehension, and
vocabulary, in addition to group literacy activities.
Homework Assistance
Homework assistance utilizes evidence-based strategies that provide targeted and intentional instructional support for children and incorporates staff availability and assistance, preparation, skills-building, motivation, communication with schools and families
through teacher/parent check-ins, progress monitoring on school agendas/assignment books.
Social Building Skills
Evidence Based Core Curriculum used, Arise Project, Junior Achievement Program. MEYGA Learning Center instructors implement age appropriate curriculum which is based on problem solving strategies through conflict resolution, anger management, leadership development, Job Readiness training & teamwork. MEYGA Learning Center instructors facilitate all curriculum activities for social skills building and administrate all pre and post surveys and self-evaluations of program participants. Instructors provide data to the program director to up date the progress of each participant to ensure that the goals are met for the client. Related Field Trips: Luncheons, Social Community Events and Corporate Tours